As an international organization dedicated to gender equity and justice, IANGEL condemns harassment and violence against Asians, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders (collectively “AAPI”), as well as harassment and violence against women. As a result of xenophobic rhetoric surrounding COVID-19, the past year has seen a rise in harassment of members of the AAPI community. And within this community, AAPI women have reported hate incidents 2.3 times more often than men. The recent killing of eight people in Atlanta, six of whom were AAPI women, is one of the latest incidents of violence against the AAPI community. In the wake of this horrific act, AAPI women have spoken out about the ways in which sexism and racism intersect to expose them to a unique form of harassment that can lead to violence and abuse. Their stories corroborate the fact that violence against women is a “global public health” crisis of “epidemic proportions” as described by the World Health Organization. IANGEL will continue to fight against hate, misogyny and violence and stands in solidarity with the AAPI community against racism. We reaffirm our commitment to promoting gender and racial justice by advocating for laws and policies that combat gender-based violence locally, nationally and globally.

IANGEL’s Statement in Solidarity with the Asian American and Pacific Islander Community