Outrage at the Dobbs decision

On June 24, 2022, women’s rights were dealt a devastating blow by the Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization. In one decision, the high Court revoked the constitutional right to abortion that had been the law of the land in the U.S. for nearly 50 years. IANGEL will not accept this brazen revocation of the right to self-determination that is essential to gender equality. We demand that all governments uphold the human right to reproductive justice no matter where one lives. Read our full statement on the decision: iangel.org/statement-on-dobbs

Sharing reproductive justice resources in the U.S.

Since the fall of Roe v Wade, it has become even more important for resources and information about how to access reproductive healthcare and support services to be made available to everyone, everywhere. IANGEL has collected important information, links, and media for those in the United States who are in need of support. Read our list of resources in full, and share it with those who may be in need of reproductive health services: iangel.org/repro-resources

Channel your anger to action: IANGEL’s 9th Anniversary Gala

Support IANGEL’s work for reproductive justice and mark your calendars for Thursday, October 20th at 5:30pm PDT for our 9th Anniversary Gala via Zoom and live VIP Reception in San Francisco. Our program will feature comments from Congresswoman Jackie Speier, a special presentation by our 2022 Amel Zenoune-Zouani Rights and Leadership Award Winner, Kelsie Joseph, as well as a musical guest. For sponsorship opportunities and registration: iangel.org/action

Informing the next generation of gender justice advocates

Abortion laws throughout the U.S. are rapidly changing, which means educating young people about their reproductive rights is crucial. This summer IANGEL has focused on updating our Teen Information Project (TIP) curriculum following the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. The TIP will include a breakdown of the Dobbs decision, existing privacy and abortion rights in California, as well as threats and opportunities to expand reproductive rights nationally and locally.

We are partnering with Berkeley Law’s Reproductive Justice Project to educate and activate the next generation of reproductive justice advocates. Learn more at: iangel.org/tip

Supporting Afghan women and children

One year ago, we watched in horror as Afghanistan fell to the Taliban. With the Taliban now in control, they have swiftly enacted measures excluding women and girls from almost all forms of public life, including banning women and girls from secondary and higher education, altering primary education curricula to focus on religious studies, restricting women’s right to work outside the home, and prohibiting them from traveling alone. This has created an unprecedented crisis for women and girls in Afghanistan, and for Afghan refugees abroad. Learn more about how IANGEL is actively involved on both fronts to address the crisis: iangel.org/afghan-support

303 Creative and free speech: IANGEL joins amicus brief

IANGEL has joined the National Women’s Law Center’s amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in 303 Creative v. Elenis, in support of Colorado’s public accommodations law that protects LGBTQ+ individuals from discrimination. 303 Creative, a graphic design firm based in Colorado, wanted to expand business to include wedding websites in its offered services. However, the Christian owner of the business who opposes same-sex marriage based on religious beliefs, wanted to deny its website design services to LGBTQ+ couples. Learn more about the amicus brief, and why IANGEL has joined it: iangel.org/303creative

Dobbs’ effect on gender-based violence and global reproductive rights

While the immediate and direct impacts of the Dobbs decision will be felt domestically, there are deeply concerning implications globally, including the emboldening of anti-abortion and anti-gender equality movements worldwide. IANGEL has signed a letter, along with a number of organizations and groups who work together to end violence against women, to the U.S.’ Gender Policy Council on the global impacts of the Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision.

The letter warns that the reversal of years of precedent upholding the rights of individuals in the U.S. to bodily autonomy and privacy will have harmful domestic and global repercussions, including in the work to prevent and respond to gender-based violence globally. Read the letter in full here.

Your generosity and support allows IANGEL to advocate for gender equality and justice worldwide. We could not do this important work without you. Help us continue to fight for gender justice for everyone, everywhere.

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IANGEL Summer Newsletter