A busy year for gender justice advocates

2021 was a busy year for IANGEL’s advocacy efforts. As of year-end, IANGEL endorsed or supported 18 bills and initiatives, on a number of different topics ranging from ending the Global Gag Rule (the nefarious policy barring NGOs that receive U.S. global health assistance from providing legal abortion services or support) to empowering future generations of girl and women leaders.

Shaping future girl leaders: the Girls LEAD Act

IANGEL’s Executive Director and Board Members at the 2021 Board Retreat

Including more women in leadership positions creates more inclusive and peaceful democratic governments. Adolescent girls must be included in decision-making processes and exposed to community leadership and empowerment opportunities. IANGEL continues to advocate for The Girls Leadership, Engagement, Agency and Development (LEAD) Act, which seeks to improve women and girls’ participation in democracy, governance, and human rights initiatives. If passed, this legislation will ensure that girls receive the support they need to meaningfully engage in civic and political processes, empowering women from an early age. The situation in Afghanistan has shined a light on the need for the increased investment in girls’ inclusion in civic life provided by this Act. IANGEL serves as a member of the Girls LEAD Act Working Group, and has taken an active role in promoting its passage.

Protecting girls’ rights throughout the world: Girls’ Rights Project 

This IANGEL research project investigates the root sources of gender-based inequalities around the world to address structural inequities and recommend legal reforms. The project collects legal sources from countries in three regions of the world (Latin America, Asia, and Africa) on three subjects: sexual and reproductive freedom, female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C), and child marriage. A report is prepared for each country examining the existing domestic legal framework, how it interplays with international treaties and obligations, and possible legal reforms to support girls’ rights to bodily autonomy and self-determination. So far, nine reports have been drafted and six more are underway. Findings show that restrictions to accessing abortion and other reproductive health services exist in many countries where FGM/C and child marriage are most prevalent and that these restrictions most often stem from patriarchal cultural norms. This project is crucial to the protection of girls’ rights across the globe, and will support the work of human rights organizations worldwide.

Using pro bono services to support minor trafficking survivors

This past October, IANGEL collaborated with Justice At Last, the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office, and Motivating, Inspiring, Supporting & Serving Sexually Exploited Youth (MISSSEY) to host a webinar series covering human trafficking laws to teach pro bono lawyers how they can support minor trafficking survivors. The two-day webinar included a discussion of records clearance and crime victims’ rights from a survivor-centered, trauma-informed approach. The recorded webinars are available for free viewing here.

Advancing gender justice through pro bono power

In March, IANGEL hosted a virtual event in conjunction with UN Women’s Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). Our event featured a panel of international feminist advocates discussing the crucial role pro bono lawyers play in assisting change agents around the world. NGO participation in CSW was entirely virtual this year due to COVID-19 restrictions, allowing feminists from around the globe to join our parallel event. Panelists shared some of the key human rights challenges to achieving gender equality that they or their organizations have faced, and how those obstacles have been exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic. Watch the full event:

IANGEL By The Numbers: continuing to grow since 2013

Thank you to our 2021 Collaborators & Partners!

IANGEL’s Year In Review: 2021